We have not had the mid term for the fifth term and course auction for the sixth term is already on. There are some excellent courses available for bidding. And that is the toughest part of the whole exercise of which course to take and which course to leave.
Amidst difficult choices, I am planning to bid for the Investing in Private Equity so as to supplement the learning from the Project we are doing on the Venture Capital. Then, I am also thinking to bid for the Financial Statement Analysis to develop expertise on interpretation of financial statements of companies- Private or Public.
One of the courses, Indian Financial Systems will be of high relevance to me, so I will bid for it along with a course on Strategic Performance Management which has a bit LBOs, VCs etc. I am also planning to do a course on real estate. That makes 4 hours of classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and 6 hours of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So hoping for a tough term ahead with possibly five courses to have a relatively free 7th term...
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