Tuesday, October 24, 2006

This quiz bothers me

Life is so full of uncertainties. Only when I believed that I had every thing firmly settled around me, I took some decisions or to be honest fate brought me to one of the biggest uncertainties in my life. Something which can decide so many more things.......
I tried to find solutions to the best of my capacity in the smallest possible reaction time. But what is more important now to me is not the solution but the outcome of my efforts. And when I attempted perfect solutions for perfect questions, I can only wait with terrible nervousness for the outcome and hope for the best.
And if three months have not crucified me enough, another 10 days should take their toll. What more? I can only pray. I wish my efforts are fruitful and I am able to answer all those questions which life is posing.
And what if I fail? It would mean the extension of the race and another 3 months of uncertainties. But win I will because I hate to loose and never in the past had the desire to win been so strong.

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